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Wednesday, September 11th 2013, 8:07pm

Author: jbExplorer

Class not found error

This is the init code, which compiles and executes fine, in Intellij: public final InitContext init() throws RecognitionException { InitContext _localctx = new InitContext(_ctx, getState()); enterRule(_localctx, 0, RULE_init); int _la; try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); { setState(4); match(1); setState(5); value(); setState(10); _errHandler.sync(this); _la = _input.LA(1); while (_la==2) { { { setState(6); match(2); setState(7); value(); } } setState(12); _errHandler.sync(this); _la = _input.LA(...

Wednesday, September 11th 2013, 7:44pm

Author: jbExplorer

RE: Class not found error

Post removed by author, because of a misinterpretation of root cause.

Tuesday, September 10th 2013, 11:39pm

Author: jbExplorer

Class not found error

I'm getting a confusing error, when running an Antlr 4 project. When compiling this code ptTree = psParser.init() Jabaco stops at the closing parentheses, and complains "Class not found!" But the init method, as well as the psParser object, all exist. The init method shows up, in the Jabaco Intellisense picklist, after you type "psParser." Here's the source of the Test Button Click method: Import org#antlr#v4#runtime.* Import org#antlr#v4#runtime#tree.* Import java#io#InputStream Import java#io#...

Tuesday, September 10th 2013, 11:34pm

Author: jbExplorer

How to use getRunTime().exec()

Quoted from "theuserbl" In Jabaco you can additional use the Shell() command: [ How to open a file in linux? ] Greatings theuserbl Thanks, theuserbl. Can you also redirect standard output to a Text Box, if you use Shell?

Friday, September 6th 2013, 9:26pm

Author: jbExplorer

How to use getRunTime().exec()

Got it. For anyone who can use this: Dim pProcess As #java#lang#Process Dim brReader As #java#io#BufferedReader Dim sLine As String pProcess = #java#lang#Runtime.getRuntime().exec( "cmd /c dir" ) pProcess.waitFor() brReader = New BufferedReader( New #java#io#InputStreamReader( pProcess.getInputStream() ) ) sLine = brReader.readLine() Do While Not (sLine = Null) frmIDMPrompt.txtOutput.AppendText( sLine + vbCrLf ) sLine = brReader.readLine() Loop

Friday, September 6th 2013, 8:03pm

Author: jbExplorer

RE: How to use getRunTime().exec()

If you modify the pProcess declaration, it won't compile at all: Dim pProcess As Variant = New #java#lang#Runtime

Friday, September 6th 2013, 7:46pm

Author: jbExplorer

How to use getRunTime().exec()

Hi, I'm getting an error java.lang.Exception: CallByName 'waitFor' failed! , when using the line pProcess.waitFor() , in the code below: Dim sOutput As String Dim sFileName As String Dim sFileSize As String Dim sWildCard As String Dim sCurrentOutput As String ' Dim pProcess As #java#lang#Runtime 'Produces a compile error, when getRuntime().exec is used. ' Compile error... Type mismatch. Found 'java/lang/Process' but 'java/lang/Runtime' is required! Dim pProcess As Variant Dim brReader As #java#i...

Saturday, March 23rd 2013, 9:39am

Author: jbExplorer

RE: Can we use the Jars in production?

Quoted from "jbExplorer" Hi Dani, Are we allowed to use our project-generated jars in a production environment? In my case, it would be a college environment, where we are trying to replace some of our SQRs. I've replaced some of them with straight Java code, but for some of the IT people they might actually prefer the Jabaco environment. I personally think it's cool, and easier to develop with, than Intellij or Eclipse. I'll interpret the silence as "No, don't use them in production. There mig...

Thursday, March 21st 2013, 3:08pm

Author: jbExplorer

Can we use the Jars in production?

Hi Dani, Are we allowed to use our project-generated jars in a production environment? In my case, it would be a college environment, where we are trying to replace some of our SQRs. I've replaced some of them with straight Java code, but for some of the IT people they might actually prefer the Jabaco environment. I personally think it's cool, and easier to develop with, than Intellij or Eclipse.

Monday, March 18th 2013, 6:30pm

Author: jbExplorer

Not clear on how to execute a compile Jabaco program

Ah, ok, got it. So this framework is where the mapping takes place between the legacy VB syntax, and the Java Swing syntax. Great, thanks Dani.

Monday, March 18th 2013, 5:05pm

Author: jbExplorer

Not clear on how to execute a compile Jabaco program

Yep, was able to generate the .jar and execute it, thanks. I've seen some of the threads on the Framework files, and also have the most recent one. I'm just not clear on how they are used, e.g. on the command line. It looks as if we really don't need to use them, at all, in form development.

Monday, March 18th 2013, 1:47pm

Author: jbExplorer

Not clear on how to execute a compile Jabaco program

Hi, I'm really sorry if this is all should be obvious, but I'm not clear on how to run a Jabaco application, except for directly from the IDE. The IDE generated the Jabaco source files, jba, etc, in my chosen project folder, and then compiled the app into class files, into a different folder in AppData. The class files for this simple first project are Form1$Label.class Form1$TextBox.class Form1.class Module1.class Resources.class Which of these has the main method? The command to run it, does i...

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