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Search results 81-100 of 256.

Monday, June 29th 2009, 6:47pm

Author: Manuel

Is there an error in the automatic class name completion

@Stefan: Thank you for your efforts! @Community: Next version will fix this problem.

Saturday, June 27th 2009, 4:50pm

Author: Manuel


That's a bug. Next version will fix this problem.

Saturday, June 27th 2009, 4:49pm

Author: Manuel

Working directory

Quoted However, the created directories are not cleaned up properly. They should be deleted, once the IDE gets closed. Thank you. I'll fix that.

Thursday, June 25th 2009, 11:45pm

Author: Manuel

Control arrays and multiple handling

FYI: RELEASE: Jabaco 1.4.2 BETA - 2009-06-21

Thursday, June 25th 2009, 11:31pm

Author: Manuel

A way to convert vb ocx a dll files to Jabaco

This could be an approach for a generic container-control:

Thursday, June 25th 2009, 11:23pm

Author: Manuel

JABACO Wiki Site?

FYI: NEWS: Jabaco Tutorials

Sunday, June 21st 2009, 9:32pm

Author: Manuel

Fehlermeldung bei Deklaration "Dim MyRes as ResultSet" !?!?

Quoted Ein Manko habe ich da noch gefunden. Ich weiß, wir Entwickler drücken uns gerne um eine Dokumentation. Allerdings wäre ich sehr angetan von einem Befehlsverzeichnis. Es gibt bereits ein Wiki für zukünftige Tutorials: Quoted Welche Ereignisse gibt es, welche Eigenschaften, welche Methoden...... Oder habe ich das nur nicht gefunden?? Wenn es dies noch nicht gibt, benötogst Du Hilfe beim Erstellen? Diese Dokumentation werde ich automatisch aus den Framework-Sourc...

Sunday, June 21st 2009, 9:21pm

Author: Manuel

Fehlermeldung bei Deklaration "Dim MyRes as ResultSet" !?!?

Quoted Eine Idee wie ich eine Form_Unload umgehe? Ich muss ja irgendeine Möglichkeit haben, zu prüfen ob z.B. Daten gespeichert wurden, wenn ich ein Fenster schließe. hm. für form_unload könnte man dispose überschreiben: Jabaco Source 1 2 3 4 Public Sub dispose() Call Base.dispose() ' ... End Sub eigentlich wäre die finalize-methode eine schönere lösung: Jabaco Source 1 2 3 4 Public Sub finalize() Call Base.finalize() ' ... End Sub dafür müsste man aber "Call System.gc()" permanent aufrufen Quo...

Sunday, June 21st 2009, 8:04pm

Author: Manuel

UPDATE: Framework 1.2

The Framework is hosted at the Google Subversion repository: Visit Jabaco at: Browse the repository: The new version comes with a "build.xml" for the Apache Ant-Project . Changelist New: InputBoxNew: ComboBox.ItemDataNew: Bitmap-supportNew: Database.executeNew: Form.close / Unload FormFix: Collection.AddFix: JBGrid.HScrollFix: ListBox.ListIconFix: Call ensureIndexIsVisible within ListBox.ListIndex

Sunday, June 21st 2009, 7:53pm

Author: Manuel


Quoted Form1.Picture1.PSet (j, a(j)), QBColor(14) Momentan geht das so: Jabaco Source 1 2 Me.ForeColor = QBColor(14) Picture1.PSet (j, a(j)) Aber du kannst das gerne im Framework ändern...

Sunday, June 21st 2009, 7:39pm

Author: Manuel

Core themes for further developments

Vote or post your request. Everyone has three votes.

Sunday, June 21st 2009, 7:28pm

Author: Manuel

RELEASE: Jabaco 1.4.2 BETA - 2009-06-21

Jabaco - the BASIC programming language for the Java Virtual Machine. Changelist: Several new hotkeysAdd-function for existing sourcefilesAutodetect JAR-files in the project-folderCodepage support for language-filesUTF8 support for sourcefiles and projectfileThe GUI-editor-raster-size is now editableOutput the stacktrace in the IDEAdd documentation button (for upcoming documentation function)"Debug.Print"-SupportStop-command for the DebuggerAutocompletion with "ctrl + space"Import resources fro...

Sunday, June 21st 2009, 6:13pm

Author: Manuel

Fehlermeldung bei Deklaration "Dim MyRes as ResultSet" !?!?

Quoted Sag Mal, gibt es denn keine TabStop Eigenschaft und auch kein Form_Close() Ereigniss? TabStop unterscheidet sich noch von VB6. Du kannst es Java-like definieren:…misc/focus.html "Form_Unload" bzw. Destruktoren sind in Java nicht ganz so einfach zu realisieren ... aber evtl. finden wir dafür noch eine gute Lösung.

Sunday, June 21st 2009, 5:56pm

Author: Manuel

Fehlermeldung bei Deklaration "Dim MyRes as ResultSet" !?!?

Quoted Caused by: java.lang.Exception: CallByName 'Connect' failed! du musst database irgendwo deklarieren...

Thursday, June 18th 2009, 8:25pm

Author: Manuel

get selected row or column

Quoted How can I get selected row or column on JBgrid? Alway return -1 Will be fixed in the next Framework-Release. Workaround: Jabaco Source 1 2 3 Public Sub Command1_Click() MsgBox JBGrid1.Parent.getSelectedRow() End Sub

Wednesday, June 17th 2009, 5:06pm

Author: Manuel

Übergabe von daten über http

Ersetze dein Quoted ipadresse = Me.Parent.getParent("ipaddr") durch Quoted IPAdresse = Parent.getParameter("ipaddr")

Tuesday, June 16th 2009, 9:05pm

Author: Manuel

discussion: documentation & Jabaco Wiki & TOC

There are ~ 25 percent german and ~ 33 percent native english speakers in this community. Most of the remaining 42 percent speak english as secondary language. It's cool to write with so many developers all over the world and nobody will condemn your contributions.

Monday, June 8th 2009, 9:40pm

Author: Manuel

Some general thoughts on Jabaco from a practical viewpoint

Thank you for this contribution. Quoted * For it to be practical when you have an established code base, it needs to be almost 100% compatible with VB. If you need to correct something every tenth line, or even every hundredth line, it's usually too much work and too many bugs go unnoticed for it to be worth it, and a dump and rewrite is preferable. I'm working on it. Which parts are not compatible with your project? Quoted * Almost no real world program is pure VB. Most commonly, databases are ...

Thursday, May 28th 2009, 3:08pm

Author: Manuel

New Version

Excuse my late reply. I've changed many things and there are only a few tasks I have to do before the next release (e.g. smaller bugs, tests, cleanup-jobs, documentation, aso). The release will be done within the next days.

Thursday, May 28th 2009, 2:35pm

Author: Manuel

What about Date and java#util#Date?

You are right. It's a bug. Will be fixed in next version.

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