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Search results 61-80 of 256.

Tuesday, July 28th 2009, 8:02pm

Author: Manuel

Error 429

Try to upgrade your Windows Installer (…&displaylang=en) before you start the Jabaco-Setup.

Tuesday, July 28th 2009, 7:32pm

Author: Manuel

Error 429

Jabaco can't find a required library. Probably there was a problem during the installation. Try to reinstall.

Monday, July 27th 2009, 9:05pm

Author: Manuel

Current Directory

Quoted "flood the directory through the exe-wrapper" sounds not feasible, but I don't have more than a vague picture what you mean by this. I can detect the exe-path with GetCurrentDirectory ( and I can set this value as param to the VM "-DEXEPath=%GetCurrentDirectory%".

Monday, July 27th 2009, 7:00pm

Author: Manuel

Current Directory

Should we flood the directory through the exe-wrapper?

Thursday, July 23rd 2009, 11:40pm

Author: Manuel

DateDiff, DateSerial

Quoted Sieht suupi aus. Aber was mich mal wieder interessiert: Wird das auch ins offizielle Framework wandern oder ist es wieder einer der Dinge, die man nach jeder neuen Jabaco-Version bei sich selber neu am Framework nachrüsten muß? Sowas wird auf jeden Fall in's Framework übernommen. Ab der nächsten Version wird es eine "get latest snapshot"-Funktion geben. Damit sind dann alle Jabaco-Entwickler immer up-to-date.

Monday, July 20th 2009, 8:44pm

Author: Manuel

Control arrays LBound

Quoted looking through the de-compiled code of an array-of-controls sample, I've found that LBound() is actually correct returning 0. The error is that the array is always created with LBound() 0 Thank you for debugging. I'll fix that.

Sunday, July 19th 2009, 10:44pm

Author: Manuel

Deleting debug-information

Thank you. I'll implement this feature in a later version...

Saturday, July 18th 2009, 11:37pm

Author: Manuel

ZOrder, CTRL+A, TabIndex, Fonts

Quoted amitmarkel * Also, CTRL+A doesn't select any controls. * Moreover, clicking on controls while holding SHIFT or CTRL doesn't work There are some more important tasks at the moment. But I'll improve the GUI-Editor in a later version... Quoted A1880 Well, Jabaco does not reach the full comfort and maturity of VB6 yet. You mean the IDE? I'm working on. Let me know which features are important for you... Quoted OlimilO in Jabaco afair there is none of these. especially "String" is a special k...

Wednesday, July 15th 2009, 4:56pm

Author: Manuel

Trying New Version

Quoted I'll release a new version within the next 3-4 days. Sorry ... I'll release a new version end of this month.

Thursday, July 9th 2009, 9:02pm

Author: Manuel

Tendering for an Java ActiveX-Container

To offer ActiveX-Support in Jabaco it is necessary to create an ActiveX-Container-Control. This control should be the base for handling ActiveX in Jabaco. I'll pay 300 USD for a control that solves the ActiveX-problem and could be published exclusive under the Jabaco-License within the open source Jabaco-Framework. This offer is just an experiment. I would like to know if it is possible to solve such issues in this way. What should be done I need a generic solution to work with ActiveX in a pure...

Thursday, July 9th 2009, 5:36pm

Author: Manuel

Trying New Version

I'll release a new version within the next 3-4 days.

Tuesday, July 7th 2009, 12:07am

Author: Manuel

Dynamic Arrays in Structures possible?

Quoted That's a bummer that it doesn't work yet. Thank you for the report. I'll fix this problem... Quoted it seems that Jabaco doesn't have optional arguments in subs/functions either. Sample: Jabaco Source 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Public Sub test(Optional var1 As String = "test1", Optional var2 As String = "test2") MsgBox var1 & var2 End Sub Public Sub Command1_Click() Call test Call test("Replaced") 'Call test(, "Replaced") <<< not possible in java bytecode End Sub

Monday, July 6th 2009, 9:17pm

Author: Manuel

Rectangle2D.Float missing

Quoted 1.) I always seem to get it wrong selecting the proper separator. 2.) All other programing languages familiar to me are using "." 3.) "#" and "$" are typically used for other purposes 4.) I can't see any advantage for the developer to have different separators. Ok - matter of habit. It's faster for the compiler to use another char to separate the namespace and it's difficult to change - but I'll think about your request...

Sunday, July 5th 2009, 9:49pm

Author: Manuel

Rectangle2D.Float missing

Quoted I am dreaming of a future Jabaco which will use simple periods "." rather than "#" and "$". Why?

Sunday, July 5th 2009, 3:15pm

Author: Manuel

Rectangle2D.Float missing

Quoted Installed Jabaco is 1.4.2, but there is no float or double instance of any geometrics figure. Sample for inner-classes: Jabaco Source 1 Dim test As New java#awt#geom#Rectangle2D$Float

Friday, July 3rd 2009, 7:49pm

Author: Manuel

Trying New Version

@Community: Next version will fix this problem. @Turkulainen: Thank you for your help.

Wednesday, July 1st 2009, 8:50pm

Author: Manuel

Error starting application

Could you send me some additional information? * Which operating system? * Which Java version? * Which folder open if you click "Project=>Open Working Directory" * Could you create / write / read / delete files in this folder? * Press F5 and check if there are any files in this folder. * Have you tried to start Jabaco with admin-privileges?

Wednesday, July 1st 2009, 12:43am

Author: Manuel

Trying New Version

Quoted The splash window has a grey bar at the left and bottom - only the top half of the text that tells the user what's happening is visible. Could you make a screenshot and mark what you mean? Quoted The Caption in the IDE says "Jabaco [Form1]" or "Jabaco [Module1]" but IMHO it should say "Jabaco [ProjectName]" or "Jabaco - ProjectName [Form1]" or similar, otherwise there is no information about the project name the user is working on. Ok - next version. Quoted First: can't debug. The black ...

Monday, June 29th 2009, 9:27pm

Author: Manuel

Access WSDL SOAP sample

You'll find a file "wsimport" in your "JDK/Bin"-Folder. I'll write an example in few days - but it's very simple to use.

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