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Friday, June 4th 2010, 9:06pm

Author: theuserbl

Problem with the Framework

Quoted Even though build.bat produces a jabaco.jar in the bin directory, I believe such a jar is missing the VB framework. It is also 236KB which is in line with the Jabaco201003160500.jar released on March 16th but much smaller then Jabaco200910070500.jar of October 7, which is in the 515KB. You have only compiled the Java-part in the VBA-directory. All of the VB-directory isn't in there. 1. Replacing the Jabaco.jar in your Jabaco-directory with your created file Jabaco201003160500.jar. (You h...

Monday, April 12th 2010, 3:58pm

Author: theuserbl

Unimozer, RSyntaxTextArea and more

Hi! To all the Java-developers: Have a look at Try it out, it is ver nice. :-) On the left of the developing environment, there is an UML designing tool. on the right side is an Java-Editor with syntax-parsing. When you write the code it "looks" direct, if the code is correct. So you see errors before the first compile. Additional with [F6] or the menu-entry "Project" -> "Run" you can run Java 1.4 code direct without compiling. So you needs also no compiler. Nice thing....

Sunday, April 11th 2010, 4:35pm

Author: theuserbl

James Gosling leaves Oracle

Sad news. Read this one:…ves-oracle.html James Gosling wrote in his blog that he have left Oracle on April 2nd. Before there have already left the old CEO Jonathan Schwartz and Tim Bray the company. Hopefully it don't end like with OpenGL. Since OpenGL is owned by the Khronos Group, I have the feeling, that the OpenGL evolution goes a lot slower on, then on times, where OpenGL was part of SGI (Silicon...

Friday, April 2nd 2010, 4:59pm

Author: theuserbl

JabacoIDE internals

Hi! You know about the Windows clipboard ? If you have copy a text in Notepad, you can not paste it direct in Paint. And if you have copy a part of a graphic in Paint, you can not paste it in Notepad. Then there are other programs, like 3D-creations, where you can copy a 3D-model, but not paste it in Paint and so on. But now have a look at Jabaco. Creating a new SDI Application. Now go to an text editor and write a little text. Copy it and input in in the graphical part (GUI designer) of Jabaco ...

Monday, March 15th 2010, 6:19pm

Author: theuserbl

Framework update

Ok, have now submittet my update to SVN. So old SVN + my updates = the actual SVN At this point, my file is obsolet. You need only to checkout the SVN.

Monday, March 15th 2010, 6:16pm

Author: theuserbl

How To End a Progrrogram

The Java-way: Jabaco Source 1 2 3 Public Sub Command1_Click() System.exit(0) End Sub

Monday, March 15th 2010, 5:48pm

Author: theuserbl

Framework update

For all who don't know how to checkout the SVN and/or compile the framework, I have created binary versions of the Framework. The maximum file size in the forum for uploading is 160 kB. But Jabaco.jar is 524 kB and FrameworkTest.jar 591 kB large. So you have to download it from an file-uploader side: Jabaco.jar FrameworkTest.jar Jabaco.jar you can use as replacement of the Jabaco.jar in your Jabaco-directory. It includes the newest SVN-version of the framework plus my update. When you compile th...

Sunday, March 14th 2010, 7:11pm

Author: theuserbl

Framework update

I have updated some files of the current SVN-version of the Jabaco framework. In are only the files, which have changed. So if you want to use it, checkout the current SVN-version and replace with the files in the files of your Framework checkout. The changes are 1. Reaplaced Circle with a new version of it, which I called before VBCircle: VBCircle 2. [VERSION 1.5.2] Mouse Cursor in the Framework Elimi...

Sunday, March 14th 2010, 6:53pm

Author: theuserbl

Hash at the beginning?

Quoted from "A1880" What was the reason the invent "#", rather than always using "." as separator? BASIC = Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code To have a "." as separator for different things, makes it harder for beginners to differ between classes and methods. With '#' its easier to differ. In something#more#andmore there is "andmore" then a class. And with something#more.andmore() is then "classpath" the class. Easier to read for beginners, who looks not so hard at "()". As Java-d...

Saturday, March 13th 2010, 2:43pm

Author: theuserbl

Hash at the beginning?

Ok, I now knoe the answer. You can write the hash before every internal command and before every class. For example a Jabaco Source 1 2 3 4 5 6 #Public #Sub main(#ByJava args() #As #String) #Dim myArgs() #As #String myArgs = args ' [Your Source] #MsgBox "Hello" #End #Sub as Console program is allowed and compiles and runs like the same program without hashes. For the compiler there is no difference between with or without hash at the beginning. But if you write the code and you want to look for ...

Friday, March 12th 2010, 10:46pm

Author: theuserbl

Hash at the beginning?

A hash is the directorysepertaor of Jabaco. For example: Dim a as javax#swing#JFrame() But in the Jabaco-Framework there is additional sometimes a hash at the beginning: Dim a as #Color But I see no difference between it without that hash: Dim a as Color Interestingly it is possible, too, to use primitive datatypes with hash at the beginning: Dim a as #Long And it works like that one without hash: Dim a as Long Do anybody know if there is any difference between something which with a hash begins...

Wednesday, March 3rd 2010, 4:49pm

Author: theuserbl

Mouse Cursor in the Framework

In Global.jsrc there stand in the function VBMousePointerToJCursor: Source code 1 2 3 4 Case vbSizeNESW: VBMousePointerToJCursor = SW_RESIZE_CURSOR ' == NE_RESIZE_CURSOR Case vbSizeNS: VBMousePointerToJCursor = N_RESIZE_CURSOR ' == S_RESIZE_CURSOR Case vbSizeNWSE: VBMousePointerToJCursor = SE_RESIZE_CURSOR ' == NW_RESIZE_CURSOR Case vbSizeWE: VBMousePointerToJCursor = E_RESIZE_CURSOR ' == W_RESIZE_CURSOR You can also see it omnline at:…Global.jsrc#669 Thi...

Saturday, February 13th 2010, 11:30pm

Author: theuserbl

FireBall *.syn-Datei ... Alle hervorgehobenen Wörter

Quoted from "Mangafreak1995" Sind das alle =? Weiß ich nicht. Quoted dein Post war so ausführlich Jo, weil ich mich letztes Jahr damit mal näher beschäftigt hatte. Quoted danke für den Hinweis bei den Unterschieden zwischen den Jabaco-Tag und den Jabaco-Compiler Was man aber vor allem dadran erkennen kann ist, daß es eben noch keine festen Schlüsselwörter gibt. Eigentlich sollten sich Compiler, Editor und Web in dem Punkt nicht unterscheiden. Aber Manuel formt noch Jabaco. Das heißt, in der näc...

Saturday, February 13th 2010, 1:42pm

Author: theuserbl

FireBall *.syn-Datei ... Alle hervorgehobenen Wörter

Quoted from "A1880" Hier ist eine Liste zu "vb" von Notepad++ Coool. Danke für die Liste der VB-Schlüsselwörter. Im letzten Jahr hatte ich mal versucht die reservierten Wörter von Jabaco zusammenzubekommen. Dabei scheint der Editor teilweise andere Wörter farblich hervorzuheben, als der Compiler als Schlüsselwörter kennt. Hier mal die Liste: Source code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Abstract Alias And Array As Attribute Boolean ByJava ByRef Byte ByVal Call Case Cast Char Class Compare Const Currency Date Dec...

Thursday, December 3rd 2009, 6:09pm

Author: theuserbl

Portable Jabaco

Quoted from "RPG Man" I posted a message in the forum as well for assistance in portabilizing Jabaco, but I have not received any response there. I don't think, that are the right contact persons for that. have only OpenSource Software. So they have the possibility to make non-portable Apps to portable Apps. But Jabaco isn't OpenSource. So the only one who can make Jabaco portable is Manuel. And I personally think, that this is a theme, which h...

Saturday, November 28th 2009, 7:54pm

Author: theuserbl

Which Java IDE do you use?

Only the text-editor. I know, that the real developer can't understand it, but I don't like NetBeans and Eclipse. Netbeans have the advantage, that a minimal documentation is integrated. And it shows you, if you have something written wrong or which classes exists, etc. But what I don't like is, that after every restart of NetBeans, I am again there, where I have ended. I like it, if I have something changed wrong in the IDE or so, to restart it. But if I am again on the same state, it helps me ...

Thursday, November 19th 2009, 6:37pm

Author: theuserbl

Create fantastic graphics with processing

Thx. I can only recommend to try Processing out as it is (without Jabaco for development). Processing comes with its own little IDE and documentation and is completly OpenSource. To develop in it, you don't need to know about modules. It can creating it itself. It is a preprocessor for Java. So it compiles simple Processing-programs to Java-programs. And like Jabaco, you don't need to have a JDK installed. The JRE is enough, because it comes with the Eclipse Compiler for Java (ecj). And your thr...

Tuesday, October 27th 2009, 4:45pm

Author: theuserbl


An additional note: The AliasTableDialog can be seen as something similar like the existing ClassBrowser (which opens, when you press in Jabaco [F1]). In the CLassBrowser you select the Classes, which will be loaded. In Java you would doing it with the import command. But the Jabaco-way is graphical. Its the GUI way. Similar I see it with an AliasTableDialog. Thats a Dialog with an JTable, which includes Aliases. Other languges (like C/C++) doing it with the preprocessor-command #define. But Jab...

Tuesday, October 27th 2009, 4:32pm

Author: theuserbl

RE: Backus Naur

Quoted from "OlimilO" Hi, I am not very familiar with compiler related stuff. Then we have somethuing equal. Quoted Are you talking about the Backus-Naur-Form? I have looked at that links. I think, you understand something wrong. WIth Quoted Source code 1 2 3 Str(%1) | Conversion.Str(%1) Chr(%1) | Strings.Chr(%1) Val(%1) | Conversion.Val(%1) I don`t mean any code with an operator "|". I mean a table like a JTable. And that table would have two colums. In the left colum stands "Chr(%1)" , "Val(%...

Tuesday, October 27th 2009, 2:45pm

Author: theuserbl


Quoted from "OlimilO" But the compiler should be changed also, to generate another code. I think you (and Jabaco) need an AliasTableDialog. Quoted When we use Jabaco Source 1 v = 10 the compiler should generate Jabaco Source 1 v.setval(10) whenever we write Jabaco Source 1 Dim v as Variant the compiler should do Jabaco Source 1 Dim v As New Variant And at…operations.html you are talking about something similar, too. In C/C++ exists for something like tha...

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