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Monday, June 7th 2010, 11:46am

Author: A1880

Fehlermeldung java.lang.VerifyError:

Das kann tatsächlich an den 140 Steuerelementen liegen. Jabaco generiert in der "initVars" Methode von Form1 zahlreiche temporäre Variablen, die alle in den Stack Space passen müssen. Als Auswege fallen mir ein: 1. Statt über ein compiliertes Exe-File zu gehen, könntest Du ein Jar-File verwenden und bei Aufruf von Java die Stackgröße angeben, 2. Du könntest Usercontrols definieren, um die Zahl der Controls in Form1 zu reduzieren. Vielleicht wird dein Projekt dadurch auch übersichtlicher 3. Du kö...

Wednesday, June 2nd 2010, 8:38am

Author: A1880

Jabaco and izPack

The standard Java Development Kid (JDK) of Sun includes a "jar" packaging tool. By "re-jar" I mean to process of unpacking and packing with compression turned on. Ask Google to find tutorials on using "jar". Calling jar without commandline parameters in a cmd.exe box gives you a quick overview. You might know the Unix archiving tool "tar" which is a kind of role model for jar. Happy experimenting A1880

Tuesday, June 1st 2010, 1:02pm

Author: A1880

Jabaco and izPack

Jar files can be compressed or not. It might help to re-jar your contributing libraries using the Java jar tool with compression enabled. The idea to simply remove license and notice files appears ill-advised to me. Why not just renaming them to achieve uniqueness? Greetings A1880

Monday, May 31st 2010, 9:17am

Author: A1880

Jabaco and izPack

I've never come across this. There are no such files in the Jar files of my projects even if I include numerous external jar files in my classpath. What do you mean by "they all went"? Does it work OK after deleting the files? Greetings A1880

Monday, May 31st 2010, 8:36am

Author: A1880

Jabaco and izPack

You can rename the *.jar file of Jabaco to *.zip and open it for inspection/repair. Jar files are just zip archives. I doubt that Jabaco garbles up the jar file. Post your findings here. Success! A1880

Sunday, May 30th 2010, 10:40pm

Author: A1880

VBMenuBar menu separator

Simply copy the source from the sample into your Jabaco IDE editor. There is nothing more needed. Or do I get your question wrong? Greetings A1880

Sunday, May 30th 2010, 8:53pm

Author: A1880

Could not understand why having problems with END statement...

Observations and suggestions about compatibility issues are collected in a separate section of the forum. Please have a look. Surprisingly, 100% compatibility is not always the most wanted direction, because it may rule out benefiting from the Java side of Jabaco. Greetings A1880

Sunday, May 30th 2010, 5:10pm

Author: A1880

Could not understand why having problems with END statement...

Jabaco does not accept a single "end" as statement. That's different to VB6. Please search this forum for "SetDefaultClose". There are numerous posts discussing this issue. Happy reading! A1880

Sunday, May 30th 2010, 12:42am

Author: A1880

Communicating between forms and with the internet in Jabaco

The following works for me: Jabaco Source 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Option Explicit Public Sub Form_Load() Dim host As String Dim timeOut As Integer Dim status As Boolean host = "" timeOut = 3000' // 3 seconds at least int timeout = 3000; status = java#net#InetAddress.getByName(host).isReachable(timeOut) MsgBox status MsgBox System.getProperty("") End Sub Greetings A1880

Wednesday, May 26th 2010, 3:51pm

Author: A1880

Compiling Function with Optional Keyword produces error

Hi, no, an ADO wrapper is probably not being worked on, but you may get hits asking Google for Java and ADO. In Jabaco, it is more natural to use JDBC for database access. JDBC is rather similar to ADO. Give it a try! Please search this forum using "recordset", "database" or "jdbc" as keys. There are numerous samples and explanations. ADO is based on ActiveX. It is possible to access ActiveX from Jabaco using frameworks like "Jacob" (Java COM Bridge). But this usually turns out to be fairly comp...

Wednesday, May 26th 2010, 1:35pm

Author: A1880

Currency not really mature in Jabaco

Yes, this looks like an error. Your workaround would be to use "double" rather than "Currency" as type. I've noticed that the "cCur()" function in Jabaco is returning a "long" rather than a "Currency" value. However, Currency seems to be implemented as "double" in Jabaco. To find out if an optional parameter is actually specified, VB6 offers a function "isMissing()". This appears not to be available in Jabaco. Therefore, you have to use a default value for optional parameters. My last remark is ...

Wednesday, May 26th 2010, 10:58am

Author: A1880

Never assume a specific working directory

Hi Roger, your observation reminds me of discussions we've had on the topic of "current working directory". A Jabaco code should avoid assumptions with regard to the current working directory. This concept is not present in Java. As a consequence, all filenames should be specified with full paths. If you start the same code from within the Jabaco IDE, from a compiled Jar file and from a compiled exe file you usually end up with different working directories. It makes a difference, if you start t...

Saturday, May 15th 2010, 5:30pm

Author: A1880

Is something wrong with the ColorDialog ?

I've just tested the color dialog with the following code: Jabaco Source 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Public Sub Command1_Click() Dim dlg As New CommonDialog Dim c As Long Dim r, g, b As Integer dlg.ShowColor c = dlg.Color r = c And 255 g = (c \ 256) And 255 b = (c \ 256) \ 256 Debug.print "RGB(" & r & "," & g & "," & b & ")" End Sub My framework version is Jabaco200910070500.jar The behaviour looks OK to me. Greetings A1880

Tuesday, May 11th 2010, 2:38pm

Author: A1880

Tab Sequence

Which attributes of a control are actually taken into consideration in the Jabaco IDE property dialog? Is this a hard-coded list of properties or can this be influenced by changing the framework or some XML file? In other words: Do we need an IDE update to get the TabIndex property properly handled by the IDE? Well, I think we do need an update. By adding an additional TabIndex parameter to the param list of Form1.jsrc, I've fooled the IDE. It now shows the TabIndex property in the property dial...

Tuesday, May 11th 2010, 1:37pm

Author: A1880

Tab Sequence

Thanks for your explanations. I have to confess that I am no real TabIndex-Expert. VB6 assigns TabIndex values in an incremental fashion whenever a new control is inserted. Therefore, the easiest way for the VB6 developer is to insert the controls in the required Tab order. My suggestion to use the names might not be ideal, but it has the benefit of being clear and unique. And it is easy to rename controls and thus achieve a reordering. I haven't tried what happens in VB6 if you assign identical...

Tuesday, May 11th 2010, 9:14am

Author: A1880

Tab Sequence

Cool! That is useful indeed. My dream would be to get this included in IDE and framework. I would like to use the old TabIndex() paradigm of VB6 without worrying about extra classes and other complications. Each control could have a TabIndex() property. The initialization of Form, Dialog or Usercontrol would then automatically setup the appropriate tab order according to TabIndex values. Controls without TabIndex or with the same TabIndex value are sorted according to their name. Greetings A1880

Sunday, May 9th 2010, 11:39am

Author: A1880


I am using the following code which might be helpful to you: Jabaco Source 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Private Sub autoSelectList ' select visible list item, unless some other item is selected explicitly Dim i As Integer If List1.Parent.getMinSelectionIndex < 0 Then ' nothing selected yet i = List1.Parent.getFirstVisibleIndex If i > 0 Then ' select visible list entry List1.ListIndex = i End If Else i = List1.ListIndex End If List1.ensureIndexIsVisible i List1.ensureIndexIsVis...

Saturday, May 8th 2010, 1:08pm

Author: A1880

Tab Sequence

Yes, you are right. There is probably no easy solution. I've found the following link on Swing Focus Traversal Policy. It look like a major extension to the Jabaco framework to get this implemented. Comparing the simple Tabindex approach of VB6 to the convoluted solution of Swing, I consider this another example for why Swing should be hidden from 95% of all developers. Please let us know your solution. Greetings A1880

Wednesday, May 5th 2010, 8:06pm

Author: A1880

Applet for uploading files

Within the IDE, you press "F1" and add the external Jar file to your project. From then on, you can call and use classes defined in the Jar file. You can even use the project dialog to get a list of classes and their respective methods. A more detailed way would be to use tools like "Jad" for decompilation. You might want to use the Lassie project to get more information. Sorry, but I'm a bit in a hurry and can't write a sample today. Success! A1880

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