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  • "Manuel" is male
  • "Manuel" started this thread

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Sunday, June 21st 2009, 7:28pm

RELEASE: Jabaco 1.4.2 BETA - 2009-06-21

Jabaco - the BASIC programming language for the Java Virtual Machine.

  • Several new hotkeys
  • Add-function for existing sourcefiles
  • Autodetect JAR-files in the project-folder
  • Codepage support for language-files
  • UTF8 support for sourcefiles and projectfile
  • The GUI-editor-raster-size is now editable
  • Output the stacktrace in the IDE
  • Add documentation button (for upcoming documentation function)
  • "Debug.Print"-Support
  • Stop-command for the Debugger
  • Autocompletion with "ctrl + space"
  • Import resources from existing VB6-projects
  • Cleanup the temp-directory
  • Forward command-arguments within the IDE
  • ClassName.class support (Java 1.5 is required for this feature)
  • Delete/Remove file dialog
  • Marked GUI-Controls with VB#IJabacoControl for the GUI-Editor
  • JDialog support for modal windows
  • Speedup the debugger-start
  • Java Version changeable (1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7)
  • Import-Statement (e.g. Import java.*)
  • Option Base 1
  • Option Compare Text / Binary
  • Option Explicit
  • Option Strict ON / OFF
  • While/Wend-support
  • ForEach/Next-support
  • With/EndWith-support
  • Optional-Statement for methods (e.g. Sub(Optional Test As Integer = 123))
  • New operator 'LIKE'
  • Declare array-values within the definition (e.g. Dim myArray() As String = ("first", "second", "third"))
  • Native / static attribute for procedures
  • Support for array of controls
  • Bugfix: Label: End Sub/Function
  • Bugfix: UDT-Clone
  • Bugfix: InnerClass-Support
  • Bugfix: Logical operations for the enum-type
  • Bugfix: Redefine classes
  • Bugfix: Class_Initialize is now private
  • Bugfix: Copy/Paste
  • Bugfix: Adding resource-files in the project-folder
  • Bugfix: Operator priority
  • Bugfix: Static variables
  • Bugfix: Array-Handling with Variant-definition
  • Bugfix: Adapt method-notation for interface-methods
  • Bugfix: Use the existing console for Jabaco-console applications
  • Bugfix: Problems with conversion/negative values and the Not-operator
  • Bugfix: Exclude private properties within the autocompletion

Features since 1.4.0
  • BASIC to Java Bytecode-Compiler
  • Open Source Framework with many Visual Basic functions and wrappers
  • Jabaco Debugger (over JDWP)
  • Graphical GUI-Editor for rapid application development
  • Source-Editor with autocompletion
  • Java Exe-Wrapper for Windows
Jabaco in action:



  • "OlimilO" is male

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Sunday, June 21st 2009, 11:08pm

Hi Manuel,

a new star is born :thumbsup:





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Monday, June 22nd 2009, 4:18pm

this is a very very great work !!!



  • "axisdj" is 51 years old today
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Friday, July 3rd 2009, 6:55am


Wow, WOW, WOW...... getting started on my project. I think this is gonna be HUGE!



  • "galih" is male

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Thursday, July 9th 2009, 3:54am

Thanx for the release.
I'm just trying now.



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Friday, July 10th 2009, 6:50am

overflow error crashing jabaco

Hello, I did try to give you a warning about this 1.4.2 version by using facebook, but my message simply vanish. Let me give you some details about the issues I'm experimenting with this new release. I did enjoy the hotkeys, specially CTRL+S to save, and I want to use an updated jabaco release, but it's not compatible with my projects made with Jabaco 1.4

1. I did notice that a long number syntax like 127& is no more supported.

2. Picture.DrawImage(Picture,x,y) became Picture.PaintImage(Image,x,y)... I did miss the explanation for this one, but that's not the big issue I'm having right now.

3. Whatever the modifications I'm doing to my Jabaco project to be 1.4.2 complient, the compiler (whatever I try to compile or run) simply crash. The run option gives the popup window "overflow" error and simply crash Jabaco.

So now, I can't update my current Jabaco projects... and I feel that I did lost my time using it if each new release makes my codes "outdated".

I do like this IDE and I hope this "overflow" issue will be fixed... because I really think it's something inside your IDE that cause this problem.



  • "phillchen" is male

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Friday, July 10th 2009, 8:44am

Phill Chen
SoftEngine Software



  • "swissmade" is male

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Tuesday, August 16th 2011, 3:36pm

The GUI-editor-raster-size is now editable
Hi all,

I can not find this.
Use version 1.5.2
I like to set the raster-size of the GUI.
Any idea.

Thanks for help




Posts: 436

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Tuesday, August 16th 2011, 3:41pm

The GUI-editor-raster-size is now editable
Hi all,

I can not find this.
Use version 1.5.2
I like to set the raster-size of the GUI.
Any idea.

Thanks for help


In the Jabaco-directory is a file called Jabaco.xml:

Source code

   <Raster Start="7" X="8" Y="8"/>



  • "swissmade" is male

Posts: 46

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Tuesday, August 16th 2011, 3:43pm

The GUI-editor-raster-size is now editable
Hi all,

I can not find this.
Use version 1.5.2
I like to set the raster-size of the GUI.
Any idea.

Thanks for help


In the Jabaco-directory is a file called Jabaco.xml:

Source code

   <Raster Start="7" X="8" Y="8"/>
Yes found it many thanks.
A lot to learn.

Thanks again.

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